PHP Factors that enhance developing skills to create functional websites

What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework? Following is a review of some factors that should be considered as a top priority by PHP programmers. First of all, if you’re newly acquainting with PHP framework, make sure that the learning curve isn’t very steep. It will be difficult to grasp understanding about a[…]

PHP Tools Used by Themes mill and other developers in 2022

Experts have designed various PHP development tools to improve programming productivity and make PHP’s job easier. PHP tools are designed to provide developers with a PHP external or internal integrated development environment that allows them to quickly build the development of PHP applications attractive, imaginative, and rich in features. We have compiled the list of the best PHP tools[…]

Review of using WordPress Templates to construct web applications

There are a lot of things about WordPress templates that we love. It has so many time-saving features that it makes a lot of the heavy lifting of web development much lighter. Still, it does have its Pros and Cons isn’t a universal, one-size-fits-all solution. Themes mill have created many sites using WordPress. We’ve learned that there are[…]

CodeIgniter Programming and its specialities can boost your career as a PHP developer

What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter programming is a PHP MVC framework used for developing web applications rapidly. It provides out of the box libraries for connecting to the database and performing various operations like sending emails, uploading files, managing sessions, etc. CodeIgniter Features Let’s see some of the features that make CodeIgniter programming great. The following list is not exhaustive but[…]

Classic mistakes that PHP developers can make while drafting web applications

A lot of classic mistakes can be made while drafting PHP based websites. For starters, you may find this list a bit exhaustive. However, it points out some of the most classic mistakes made by PHP development companies. Classic mistakes of PHP developers Focusing on wrong end-users This is a classic error! Consumers tend to[…]

What Elements To Look for in a PHP Framework?

What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework? Following is a review of some elements that should be considered as a top priority by PHP programmers. First of all, if you’re newly acquainting with PHP framework, make sure that the learning curve isn’t very steep. It will be difficult to grasp understanding about a[…]

Use of PHP frameworks in the best way possible!

There are some famous global websites that have put PHP to its best use! Therefore, let us know how PHP is supporting these famous websites to work functionally and progressively. PHP use in Global world  In today’s time, renowned organisations use quite intimidating and large-scale technology stacks. However, people find it hard to believe that[…]

Basic PHP factors that new developers need to have understanding about

Modern age developers need to have thorough understanding about some PHP factors. They are crucial to develop a well designed PHP based website or application. Prior to knowing or starting with anything, a PHP developer should have basic knowledge of the following: HTML CSS Javascript What is PHP? PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext[…]

Become a better programmer by learning programmers from our top 3 recommended books

Book 1 and certainly the best Python Python is am extremely good book if one looks forward to become an intellectual programmer. This book is concerned with the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data in Python. Therefore, the goal is to offer a guide to the parts of the Python programming language.[…]

PHP career development is the key to success in this modern era!

How to Build a Career in PHP If coding is something you enjoy and have a keen interest in web programming, then it is a good head start for you to establish a career in PHP. It definitely is the chosen path for you based on your interest and expertise. Being a PHP developer simply[…]