Why do you need Trayvax Front pocket wallet?
The Trayvax front pocket wallet is an essential now and we will tell you why. A conventional way for carrying a wallet is to stuff it up heavily and then place it in your rear pocket throughout the day. Well, we all can agree that this old-school method has been a cause of the great disturbance. It not only looks weird to have a big hunk protruding out from your back pocket but is also unsafe. Many cases of the wallet getting stripped off from the back pocket have been reported. Moreover, if you have been lucky to keep your wallet safe from pickpockets, by the time the sun sets, you will probably end up with a sore back.
Yes, you read that right! Carrying your wallet in the rear pocket is among the most common reasons for people to have backache. Sitting on your wallet throughout the day creates an imbalance that puts stress on your hip joint and lower back. Eventually, due to the consistent compression of the sciatic nerve one ends up with a sore back. It has been proven medically that sitting on your wallet is a terrible idea.
Front Pocket Wallets to the rescue
The most obvious solution to the above-stated facts is to get that wallet out of your rear pocket. The solution seems wonderful but the trouble is where to keep them? Having a bulge in your front pocket due to your wallet would ruin that professional attire look. Well, stay put! Trayvax brings to you a versatile wallet that is slim, lightweight, and can easily slide into your front pocket.

Trayvax front pocket wallet
The Trayvax slim metal, front pocket wallet rescue men from that sore back and also keeps them safe from getting pickpocketed. It takes a whole level of skill and effort for a pickpocket to steal your wallet out of the front pocket. For further security, many wallets have RFID protection as well.
Types of Slim Metal Wallets for Men
Slim front pocket wallets: The front pocket wallets need to be easily accessible and slim enough to easily slide into your front pocket without forming a bulge. This rules out the conventional wallets to be used. Hence, front pocket wallets have been designed to support a minimalist and slim functional shape which is much similar to the Trayvax Contour wallets.
Metal Front Pocket wallets: Many front pocket wallets have metallic hardware. The metallic plates act as a shield for the contents. Moreover, it also gives the wallet a compact shape so that it can easily slide into the front pocket. Trayvax utilizes the combination of anodized aluminum and cold-rolled steel to offer maximum protection for cards and cash.
Leather front pocket wallet: For those who cannot unhinge yourself from the traditional leather wallets, Trayvax front pocket wallet has something to offer you as well. It has taken a modern spin on the traditional leather wallet with its Element line. This range of wallets is slim enough to slide into your front pocket and has the traditional leather outerwear to give a sense of familiarity.

Slim leather wallet
RFID- blocking front pocket wallets: Many front pocket wallets nowadays have RFID protection incorporated into them. A classic product of this technology is the Trayvax Armored Summit. It has a steel plate on both sides to keep your wallet safe from RFID-skimming thieves.
Front pocket wallets have been designed thoughtfully to look out for your backaches, cut out the bulk, and enhance protection. Now, these are some great features. You would be kidding yourself if you don’t want them all and that too in a single product!